The Department of the Economy’s 10X Future aspirations mean tough targets right across the Northern Ireland economy, not least amongst our start up and early stage businesses. Business Eye teamed up with Enterprise Northern Ireland to stage a virtual round table discussion looking at the role of the enterprise network across Northern Ireland and how it can contribute to a 10X future for the region.
Business Eye’s Richard Buckley and Enterprise NI Chief Executive Michael McQuillan hosted the event from NIAVAC’s studio in East Belfast, and were joined virtually by:-
Jonathan McAlpin, CEO at East Belfast Enterprise & Chair of Enterprise NI
Jennifer McWilliams, CEO at Antrim Enterprise Agency
Jayne Taggart, CEO at Enterprise Causeway, Coleraine
Conor Patterson, CEO at Newry & Mourne Enterprise Agency
Cara Dallat, CEO at Craigavon Industrial Development Organisation