In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, where success stories are often tempered with tales of challenges and setbacks, one local businessman, Justin Milligan stands...
By John O'Prey, Murlands Solicitors, Downpatrick
With people pledging commitments to New Year’s Resolutions and the period commonly viewed as the prime time to evaluate...
By James Blake, Founder & Managing Director at Vindicta Digital
‘These are unprecedented times’, words we’ve all heard time and time again in recent weeks,...
Says Michael Hutchinson, Director, NITEC Solutions
2018 gets under way with a heightened sense of hope and fear in equal measure.
Never before has the Cyber...
Business Eye joined forces with Danske Bank to stage a Round Table Discussion at Danske’s Donegall Square West headquarters looking at the regeneration of...
Third-generation farmer, Ian McMaster from near Broughshane in County Antrim made the decision in 2000 to add value to his potato crop. Farming over...
Alan McCulla is CEO of Sea Source, a Kilkeel based co-operative owned by fishermen in Northern Ireland that catches, lands, processes, sells and distributes...