Specialist property lender, Funding 365, has announced the launch of its residential bridging proposition for Northern Ireland.
Developer and landlord borrowers looking for funding for residential properties in Northern Ireland can now take advantage of interest rates from 0.84% per month and LTVs up to 65%, delivered with Funding 365’s award-winning service and speed.
The new product caters for unregulated loans from £100,000 to £2 million in size, for terms up to 18 months. Permitted uses for the loans include buying or refinancing residential property, light to medium property refurbishment, development exit and short term business cash flow.
A transparent product guide can be viewed on Funding 365’s website www.funding-365.com/northern-ireland and its decision-making underwriters and directors can be reached directly on 0800 689 0650 or underwriting@funding-365.com
Funding 365’s Northern Irish Managing Director, Michael Strange, will be in Belfast next week to meet with brokers, borrowers, lawyers and valuers and encourages anyone keen to meet face-to-face to give him a call on 0800 689 0650.
Funding 365 Managing Director, Michael Strange, comments, “I was born and raised in County Antrim, so a move into funding Northern Irish property has always been in our sights. I am thrilled to be able to officially launch this product following a successful soft launch. Our team of dedicated underwriters, and I, are looking forward to getting to know more Northern Irish property professionals and to delivering our highly competitive solutions for this underserved region.”