Thursday, January 16, 2025
HomeNewsNationalist Grievance-Mongering

Nationalist Grievance-Mongering

A bit like last week’s star of the show, Gerry Carroll, the living legend that is Kate Hoey rarely disappoints when it comes to her sound bites. She and Gerry, though, don’t think along similar lines politically, it should be noted.

Kate has been in the headlines (well, the smaller headlines, at least) this week because she decided to say that the GAA wasn’t a ‘normal sporting organisation’ and said that it was time for it ‘to be called out’.

Mind you, to be fair to Kate, she didn’t think it all up by herself. She was quoting from a column in the News Letter. Well, there you go, Kate. Try reading a balanced newspaper column instead.

In the column, Owen Polley took a bit of a crack at the GAA. Warming to his dubious theme, he reckoned that it is an organisation “that mixes its sporting functions with political partisanship, Irish nationalist grievance-mongering and an over-weening sense of entitlement”.

Irish nationalist grievance-mongering. Now there’s one we hadn’t heard before, in the News Letter or anywhere else.

Goodness me, Owen, You really should learn to say what you really think. Don’t hold back, man.

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