Henderson Group has been recognised with a Gold GroceryAid award for their support for the charity throughout 2023.
GroceryAid is a charity that has been providing emotional, practical and financial support for those working in the grocery industry for over 160 years.
The gold award recognises organisations that have participated in seven activities across three main pillars; awareness, fundraising and volunteering, and Henderson Group joins UK-wide brands such as Birds Eye, Britvic, Coca Cola, Haribo and Unilever who have also gained the Gold recognition for 2023. SPAR UK has also won a Gold Award.
Employees of the grocer and retailer which supplies to over 500 SPAR, EUROSPAR, ViVO and ViVOXTRA stores and supermarkets in Northern Ireland, including around 400 independent retailers, spent 2023 raising awareness of and funds for the charity by hosting and supporting numerous fundraising events and being an active member of a local branch of GroceryAid.
Bronagh Luke, Head of Corporate Marketing at Henderson Group commented, “We are thrilled to have been recognised with a Gold GroceryAid Award for our support of the charity in 2023.
“Throughout last year, we held wellbeing seminars including complimentary back massages and desk yoga, hosted an awareness event for GroceryAid Day in May and arranged a fundraiser with raffles and coffee in exchange for a donation. GroceryAid was also part of our World Mental Health Day activities, during which we raised awareness for the charity’s services across Head Office and Henderson Retail stores.
“It’s very rewarding for all our staff to see our efforts recognised and I, along with all my colleagues in our health and wellness team, want to extend a massive thank you to everyone involved in creating and supporting our GroceryAid initiatives last year.”